Suitor Shooter

Created as part of the 2023 Whitethorn Winter Jam, Suitor Shooter is a 2D Co-Op title based around the theme of “Communication”. In this game, one player controls the character, Eloise, and prevents her from running into various interested suitors. Collecting power ups or kittens to boost her mood, the goal is to survive as long as possible without falling into a complete rage. Player 2 is in control of the top UI segment, where they must type in Victorian-era insults of varying length to provide Player 1 with her main line of offense against the suitors - her sharp wit.


Project Details



Character Control

All elements of character control for the game, such as:

  • Player Input for Players 1 and 2

  • Character speed and animation

  • Collision Handling


All player-driven combat elements, mechanically and artistically:

  • Single Word: Meant to represent a basic shout, it takes the input word from Player 2 and blasts it in the direction the Character is facing

  • Medium Phrase: This takes the the phrase from Player 2 and blasts each individual letter in a shotgun-like fashion at the enemies

  • Long Phrase: An Area-Of-Effect attack that creates a circle using the long phrase from Player 2. This immediately wipes out enemies in the immediate vicinity.

Power Ups and Game Over

All four power up mechanics and the basic Game Over UI:

  • Bubble Shield: Protects Character from enemies

  • Speed Boost: Increases Character Speed

  • Slow Effect: For all enemies on the field, reduces their speed drastically

Video Playthrough


Team Size: 6 (3 Programmers, 1 Designer/Artist, 1 Writer, 1 QA)

Status: Complete.

Duration: 1 Week (December 2023)

Engine: Unity

Platforms: PC



