Simple Shooter
SimpleShooter is a 3rd Person Shooter prototype where the player has to defeat enemies before running out of health. This project was primarily focused around developing AI systems using UE5’s behavior tree system and setting up animation blending.
Learning Objectives
UE5 Behavior Trees and AI
This project introduced me to Unreal Engine’s AI Behavior Trees to create simple behaviors amongst the enemies in the game. I learned:
How to setup basic Behavior Trees
How to create custom Behavior Tree Tasks and Services
How to jump between certain behaviors depending on different events
Animation Blending and Sockets
I learned how to utilize animation blending in this project to create dynamic movement animations based on player input. Additionally I got to work with sockets to equip different weapons and customize the enemies from the Player.
Combat, UI, and Polish
For this project I got to utilize more of the combat system from previous projects. This time using raycasting instead of projectile collision. Additionally:
Implemented more UI functionality such as health and win screens
Implemented polish elements such as visual effects and audio
Video Playthrough
Team Size: 1
Status: Complete
Duration: 1 Month (August 2023 - September 2023)
Engine: Unreal Engine 5
Platforms: PC