
ToonTanks is a 3D tank combat game where the player controls a tank with a restricted movement system and works to defeat enemies before running out of health. This project was focused around developing simple systems in C++ and how best to configure said systems so they’re optimized for Unreal Engine.


Learning Objectives


C++ Optimization for UE5

Some of the biggest takeaways from this project surrounded using and understanding some of UE’s most common macros to best develop code that works properly with the engine. Other additional elements include:

  • Dynamic Component Creation

  • The use and importance of Forward Declaration

  • Understanding exposure levels using UE Property and Function Specifiers

Basic Combat System

This project demonstrated how to set up a basic targeting system, creating projectiles, and setting up health and damage functionality. Additionally, I got to experiment with the game state to track combat stats and restart the game upon player death.

Basic Polish and UI

This project was the first I worked with that taught basic UI implementation, particularly around the game beginning. Other polish elements were also added into this project, such as:

  • Particle effects using Unreal Engine’s Niagara Plugin

  • Simple sound effects

  • Camera shake and drag effects

Video Playthrough


Team Size: 1

Status: Complete

Duration: 1 month (March 2023 - April 2023)

Engine: Unreal Engine 5

Platforms: PC


Simple Shooter

